Auspicious Timing for Credit Card Applications

Related Article: The Famous Goose Savings Account

Q: I read your article, "The Famous Goose Savings Account." Is it also a good time to get a credit card?

Rami: No.  The set of rules for timing credit card and loan applications is different.

THE FAMOUS GOOSE is a savings account you open when the Moon is waxing in Taurus; and best, when the Moon is in the 2nd House of money.

The Famous Goose timing is meant for financial products (the Moon in Taurus in the 2nd House)
whose nature is to accrue (waxing Moon)
such as savings accounts and investment instruments in contrast to payroll and debit accounts which you would normally withdraw from

Before I give the timing for credit card and loan applications, let me tell you a story about Famous Goose accounts.

Some friends and I did an experiment on our Famous Goose accounts.

What would happen if we withdrew money from our Famous Goose accounts?

Each time we withdrew some money, we would earn the money back...AND MORE quickly.  In other words, our Famous Goose accounts made it a point to accrue,  and seemed to dislike money being taken away.   We never experimented on drawing down all the money because, as they say, do not kill the goose that lays golden eggs.


Back to credit cards.

There are several rules when electing a good time to do certain things. Knowing the rules is like learning a language. Language is dependent on vocabulary or characters.

For example, while the Chinese language has over 50,000 characters, a comprehensive modern dictionary will rarely list over 20,000 characters.  A learned person will know about 8,000 characters, but you will need only about 2000 to 3,000 characters to read a newspaper.

In the same manner, an Astrologer must be well-versed with a number of rules,  know how to apply the rules, and exercise good judgement.

In Astrology, “aphorism” is the more apt term for rules. The popular aphorisms for lending and borrowing money, and signing documents for opening a credit card or loan account include:


#1 - Lend or borrow when the Moon is waning in Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Pisces
#2 - Position the Moon in the 8th House
#3 - Ascendant must be in 3° to 27°
#4 - Never lend or borrow money 36 hours before to 36 hours after a New Moon; the loan will grow
#5 - Do not borrow or lend money during the first two hours when the Moon enters Gemini, Leo or Sagittarius; it will result to inconvenience or trouble.

Technical Note: Avoid 1° Gemini, Leo or Sagittarius

#6 Lend or borrow at the Hour of Jupiter or Mercury; but not when Mercury is Rx
#7 Avoid the hours of Saturn and the Moon

Q: Should I follow all aphorisms?

A: Yes, if you can.

When clients request for auspicious timings, I ask for the dates they are considering.  The longer the period, the more room there is to fulfill aphorisms.

Below is an auspicious time to sign documents for a credit card or loan application based on six out of seven of the Aphorisms listed above.


Sign documents on February 26, 2019 any time between 7:50 am thru 9:00 am

The time zone used is GMT+8; adjust to your local time.

1. The timing is meant to help you pay your debts and keep your debt to a minimum; but you will have to do your part by being responsible and diligent.
2. The timing does not guarantee your credit card or loan application will get approved.  You will have to comply with regulations and satisfy the requirements.


Related Article: The Famous Goose Savings Account

The Famous Goose Savings Account




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Life can be smooth if you know how to choose the right time.

• Ask your boss for a raise
• Host a dinner party
• Sign a contract
• Get a new hairstyle
•  Begin a fitness routine
• Call a friend to ask a favor

There is a right time for everything under the Sun.  Learn to use the Moon and other Planets to elect auspicious timings for important events.

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When is the best time to request a reading?

Most of my clients request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRTHDAY