Is Positive What We Think It is

Manila—It used to be common to think positive and negative are opposite sides of a pole—positive is “good,” negative is “bad.”



The winning card—Balance—was recently thrown at the center of our collective consciousness.

Is the concept of Balance new?  Is Balance the new Positive?

The concept of Balance is not new.  It is as ancient as the first atom God created.

Looking at different models can help us better understand what Positive-Negative and Balance means.

1. Yin-Yang Model
The Chinese saw the Universe as a balancing act between two opposing but complementary aspects—Yang is active, and Yin is passive. Yang is light, and Yin is dark. Yang is masculine, and Yin is feminine.

2. Magnetic Force Model 
Opposite charges attract and like charges repel.

3. Bohr’s Atomic Model: Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

Since atoms are the stuff we are made of, it'd be good to take a closer look.

Atoms are made of protons (+), neutrons and electrons (-).  A simple atom contains an equal number of each particle.  For example, Helium has 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons.

Protons (+) positively charged, reside at the center or nucleus of an atom

Neutrons - no charge, also reside at the center or nucleus of an atom

Electrons (-) negatively charged, orbit around the nucleus


Q: What is the role of neutrons?

The nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons.  Protons have a positive charge and repel one another.

The primary role of neutrons, also known as "nuclear glue," is to hold protons together and keep them from repelling one another.

If you have been meditating,  you may have noticed an integral part of you acts as a witness.

The Witness is the neutral observer of life.  It is the equivalent of a neutron.  The Witness holds our positivity together at the core of our being.

Q: When is an atom said to be "neutral?”

An atom is neutral when it has an equal number of protons and electrons—Balance!

"Equal number" could mean "equal voice" or "equal power."  They are opposites only in terms of roles or functions.

Think Balance

The Law of Attraction is the term given to the maxim "like attracts like" to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.  It is similar to the saying, "birds of the same feather, flock together."

We attract not what we like, but what we are.

A more apt term is "The Law of Projection."  We do not attract experiences; we create reality within us and project it outward.


A Time for Balance

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