Your Next Superpower

On June 19, 2018, Neptune will hop on the Retrograde (Rx) Bandwagon and stay thru November 25.  Neptune is the Planet that sharpens our intuition, a superpower we all stand to gain in the next five months.


It's easy to tell how Neptune Rx will play out in your life.  Look for heaviness followed by uncertainty.

Which areas of your life are weighing you down at the moment?  Is it career, money, living arrangements, your upcoming wedding, a family property?

When Neptune turns retrograde, one or more areas of your life will become uncertain.  It will seem as if a thick fog is beginning to move in.

For career, you could hear rumors of a merger and redundancy.For living arrangements, your lease won’t be renewed by your landlord, and you will need to find a new place. Is your fiancé having second thoughts?Are you short of reaching a consensus in the sale of a family property?

The uncertainty could make many feel the walls of life are closing in.

We all have choices.


CHOICE #1:  Allow yourself to get weighed down.  You could spiral into despair and hopelessness.


CHOICE #2:  As soon as you feel the fog closing in, focus on finding your way out.

You won't be able to see, hear or smell anything.  Your best bet is to switch on your intuition, a higher sense of perception.

STEP 1 - Bring your consciousness to your heart area.  Imagine resting your ear close to your heart.

STEP 2 - Go thru the situation you are facing— your career, money, living arrangements, upcoming wedding, the sale of a family property, etc.

STEP 3 - Keep calm.  Listen well for the next best thing to do.

STEP 4 - Act on it.

Repeat the steps.  Take small steps at a time until you steer your way out of the fog.



1. Bookmark this article so you can easily access it when the fog begins to approach.

2. Three Planets are now retrograde—Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.

3. After Neptune, Mars will be the next to turn retrograde on June 27


Go to Your Three Superpowers

Your Three Superpowers

2018 Forecast: Mark Your Calendar
