THE FAMOUS GOOSE is a savings account you open when the Moon is waxing in Taurus, most especially when the Moon is in the 2nd House of money.
After opening the account
sit back and watch your goose do what it does best . . .
There is a window in time not too far away when this can happen. It coincides with Passover or Pesach on Apr 15, 2020.
Oct 3, 2016 – Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah
Apr 15, 2020 – Passover or Pesach, start of Spring and a new beginning, the Wedding Banquet . . .
The key themes for 2017 are:
Jupiter in Libra thru October
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, has the strongest voice thru October this year. In Libra, it will deliver opportunities to learn balance within ourselves which will then reflect on our important relationships. Engage in Inner Work, yoga and other practices that promote balance.
2017 Mercury Retrograde
Keep tab of the Mercury Rx cycles. Other than the standard DO'S & DON'TS, Mercury Rx cycles are a time to rethink. . . .
There will be some good days in August; but there will also be days we need to be extra careful and vigilant. Avoid crowded places and altercations. Keep your vibe up.
3 – Uranus turns Rx
4 – Sun conjunct Mars, Jupiter square Pluto
6 – Sun quincunx Neptune
10 – Sun quincunx Pluto; Mars quincunx Neptune
13 – Mercury turns Rx
14 – Mars conjunct the Sun; Sun trine Saturn
15 – Venus opposite Pluto and quincunx the Moon; Mars opposite the Moon
16 – Venus square Jupiter
17 – Mars quincunx Pluto
19 – Venus quincunx Saturn
21 – Solar Eclipse; Sun quincunx Chiron and trine Uranus
23 – Mars trine Saturn
25 – Venus trine Chiron and square Uranus
26 – Saturn stations Direct and prepares to move forward
Note: Time zone used is GMT+8; convert to your local time . . .
A lot of people buy a computer and use it without upgrading its software until it conks out. They take the computer to a technician or junk it. It doesn't take much effort to keep a computer running; one of the best ways is to keep its software updated. . . .
We are approaching the third of three squares (90º) between Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn.
* The first in Nov 2016 coincided with the U.S. presidential elections
* The second has begun and will peak on Mar 27 thru Mar 30, 2017
* The third will happen in Aug 2017
Jupiter in Libra will make sure we relate well with one another and try to resolve our disagreements, but what is percolating underneath like an overdue volcano (Pluto) is what we need to be aware of. . . .