Best Place for Your Bed and Business

Know where to position your bed, kitchen, home office, and other things inside your house.

Find out which direction to look for the right school, office space, warehouse, investment, and more.


1. Generate your Local Space Chart.  Download the guide here.  You will need to input your birth date, time and place.  Check your birth certificate.

2. Download AstroGEO Interpretation Keys here.

3. To know where to position your bed, kitchen, home office, and other things inside your house, lay your Local Space Chart at the center of your house or on top of its floor plan.

4. To know which direction to look for the right school, office space, warehouse, investment, and other endeavors, use a local map.  Position your Local Space Chart where your house or permanent abode is located on the map.

5. Keep the chart aligned to true north.  All maps are drawn based on true north.  Do not use magnetic north.

6. PLANETARY LINES are radial.  The influence of the planet begins at the center of your house or permanent abode and radiates outward.

Sun Line

  • Home: Good for bedroom, children’s room, family room
  • Business: CEO’s office | anything that deals with life, creative expression, arts, children, romance

Moon Line

  • Home: Kitchen, dining area and family room, this is the first place to look for missing objects, such as keys
  • Business: Pantry area | food, women, laundry, tradition, real estate, fast-moving consumer goods, customer service

Mercury Line

  • Home: Telephone and other communication devices
  • Business: Telecom, distribution, bills payment, vehicles sales and repair, transport, machinery and moving parts, laundry
  • Others: Choose a primary and secondary school along this line

Download AstroGEO Interpretation Keys

Uranus Line can be be disruptive.  When a client moved to a new house, he began having headaches at night.  We ran his Local Space Chart and discovered Uranus Line ran right thru his bed.  We repositioned his bed along Jupiter Line and his headaches disappeared.

In AstroGEO, where you are facing or where your head is located when you sleep is not considered.   What is considered is the area where your bed is positioned.  That area must be along one of the planetary lines for "beds."

When people transfer to a new home and their business goes south, they suspect the location, landscape or configuration of their new home caused the downward turn.

The business went south because the orientation changed when they moved to a new home.

While the planets are within us and we carry the planets with us wherever we go, our home is our foundation or base.  If you transfer to a new home, the best directions for school, office space, warehouse, investment, and other endeavors will change.

Several families that own successful businesses have kept their first home and their first office space or retail store.  The two places are auspiciously aligned based on the chart of the head of the family who started the business.

IMPORTANT: If you relocate to another place that is at least 1,200 kilometers away from your place of birth, you will need to adjust your birth chart.

Run a new birth chart.   Input the city you relocated to.  Adjust your birth time to the local time.   To check if the adjusted birth time you inputted is correct,  compare the sign and degree of the Moon in your original birth chart vs. your relocation chart.   The sign and degree should be the same.  Use the birth date, time, and place on the relocation chart to generate a new Local Space Chart.


Generate your own Local Space Chart
Download the guide here.  You will need to input your birth date, time and place.  Check your birth certificate.

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If you want to learn all the techniques I use, come and join classes.

The foundational class is Practical Astrology Simplified which is a prerequisite to Life in Transit and other classes.





When is the best time to request a reading?

My clients typically request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRTHDAY