☉ I CREATE & EXPRESS. The Sun shows WHAT you truly are deep inside
Focus, ego, identity, creativity, self-expression, strength, courage, warmth
☽ I FEEL SAFE & SECURE. The Moon shows how you respond emotionally and express how you feel
Subconscious mind, emotions, intuition, reflection, mothers and mothering, nurturing, nourishing, home, family, comfort, security, safety, privacy, habits
The public (for Mundane Astrology), retailing or brisk sales
☿ I THINK, LEARN & COMMUNICATE. Mercury shows how you think, learn and communicate
Conscious mind, mental, communication both written & verbal, short distance travel, thinking, learning, listening, skills, ideas, conversation, perception, gossip, relationships with siblings and neighbors, hands, dexterity
♀ I LOVE & VALUE. Venus shows how you love and what you love
Love, partners, beauty, material possessions, balance, flirtation, attraction, woman, indulgence, pleasure, affection, complements, compliments,
♂ I ACT. Mars defines the strategy you use to get what you want
Action, ambition, initiative, drive, energy, war, anger, aggression, competition, courage,
sexuality, man
♃ I MAGNIFY. Jupiter encourages you to expand your horizon
Magnify, big, expand, enthusiasm, hope, luck, abundance, idealism, beliefs, philosophy, spirituality, long-distance travel, foreigners, culture
♄ I ACHIEVE. Saturn crafts the boundaries, structures, limitations and restrictions you encounter
Discipline, structure, boundaries, limits, expertise, authority, parent (usually the more
controlling one), business & financial institutions, career, maturity, mastery, wisdom
⚷ I HEAL. Chiron brings healing
Hurt, healing, childhood emotional scars
♅ I EVOLVE. Uranus provokes you to tear down outmoded structures and replace them with innovative ones
Unexpected, sudden, shakeup, rebellion, Aquarius-spirit
Awakening, invention, originality, science, future, revolution, natural disasters
♆ I MERGE. Neptune, like a fog, envelopes you to transcend and be One with others
Pisces-spirit, illusion, delusion, no boundaries, enlightenment, inspiration, ability to download from the collective consciousness, dreams, prisons, institutions, spirituality, Oneness,
Spirituality, compassion, unconditional love, empathy, art, psychic sensitivity, dissolution
♇ I TRANSFORM. Pluto transforms, cleanses with the fire of Spirit, strengthens, and prepares your soul for its ultimate role—to embody pure light. Pure light is so powerful that anything less than a vessel of integrity will shatter to pieces.
Scorpio-spirit, transformation, upheaval, sex, passion, death, taxes, inheritance, nuclear energy, psychology, soul mates, power, control, obsession, dictatorship, regeneration and degeneration
☊ The North Node represents your willingness to take risks, and venture into unknown territory. tThe North will introduce you to people and situations related to the House that will help you progress in your life
☋ The South Node is the old and familiar where you know you can easily succeed and be safe; you eventually stagnate if you remain. tSouth Node will bring up issues from the past related to the concerns of the House.
⊗ Part of Fortune marks the area of your life where you will always encounter good fortune.
Aries: The desire to express independence and individuality
Taurus: The desire to be resourceful and prosperous, and to feel worthy
Gemini: The desire to establish contact with others through wit and eloquence
Cancer: The desire to nurture, and to give and receive emotional security
Leo: The desire to express creatively and be recognized
Virgo: The desire to analyze, discriminate and function efficiently
Libra: The desire to relate to others, and create harmony and balance
Scorpio: The desire for deep involvements and intense transformations
Sagittarius: The desire to explore and expand mental, philosophical, spiritual and physical horizons
Capricorn: The desire for structure, organization and discipline
Aquarius: The desire to innovate, be original, and create better societal structures
Pisces: The desire to tap into the collective consciousness and be One with all

Walking on the Ring by Olivia aliviO
♈ Aries — The Warrior
♉ Taurus — The Banker,
♊ Gemini — The Messenger
♋ Cancer — The Mother
♌ Leo — The Actor
♍ Virgo — The Accountant
♎ Libra — The Diplomat
♏ Scorpio — The Sorcerer
♐ Sagittarius — The Traveler
♑ Capricorn — The CEO
♒ Aquarius — The Visionary
♓ Pisces — The Enlightened
THE 1st HOUSE self-image, identity, personality, physical body, appearance
THE 2nd HOUSE personal resources, wealth, self-worth
THE 3rd HOUSE learning & communication, siblings & neighbors, short travels
THE 4th HOUSE origin, home & family, traditions, the more nurturing parent
THE 5th HOUSE personal creations, self-expression, romance & love affairs, children
THE 6th HOUSE mundane activities, work, duty, service, health, small pets
THE 7th HOUSE important others, marriage & partnerships, balance
THE 8th HOUSE shared resources, power & transformation, sex, death & rebirth, esoteric matters
THE 9th HOUSE profound exploration & expedition, long travels, law, foreign countries & cultures
THE 10th HOUSE career & public image, structure, authority, discipline, the more controlling parent
THE 11th HOUSE goals, humanitarian expressions, groups & friends, community
THE 12th HOUSE spiritual activities, secrets, sorrows, shadows & enemies, prisons, asylums, escapism,
dissolution, illusions, movies, music and other inspired works.
Conjunction | BLENDING
power, emphasis |
Sometimes blends well like coffee and milk; other times not so well like oil and vinegar |
Semi-sextile | RESOURCES | Resources manifest |
Sextile | OPPORTUNITY | Matters run smoothly |
Square | TENSION
obstacles, stress challenges |
Demands action; like a cattle prod |
harmony, benefit |
Woven into the fabric of your life rather than dumped on you |
Inconjunct or
Quincunx |
discord |
Mimics an opposition but there is no middle ground or compromise; just accept and make the necessary changes |
Opposition | AWARENESS choice, conflict |
Balance is suggested |
Featured Image: Digital collage by Julia Geiser
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When is the best time to request a reading?
Most of my clients request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRTHDAY
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