How to Make Good Use of This Forecast
1 - Bookmark this page. Use this forecast to guide you in timing important events in 2018.
2 – Grab your 2018 pocket or digital calendar. . . .
Jupiter, the Greater Benefic that bestows good things, will enter and remain in Scorpio on October 10, 2017 thru November 8, 2018.
Jupiter spends about a year in each Zodiac sign before moving on to the next to deliver a new set of opportunities and pleasant surprises for everyone; and since there are 12 signs, you can walk down memory lane to review what happened the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio 12 years ago to forecast what's in store for you.
What good happened in Oct 2005 thru Nov 2006 and in which area of your life? . . .
The key themes for 2017 are:
Jupiter in Libra thru October
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, has the strongest voice thru October this year. In Libra, it will deliver opportunities to learn balance within ourselves which will then reflect on our important relationships. Engage in Inner Work, yoga and other practices that promote balance.
2017 Mercury Retrograde
Keep tab of the Mercury Rx cycles. Other than the standard DO'S & DON'TS, Mercury Rx cycles are a time to rethink. . . .