Manila, April 25, 2019 - Pluto turned retrograde today. At the very least, know if you will be in Pluto's path, and when.
1. Run your natal chart. Follow the guide HERE. . . .
Manila, April 25, 2019 - Pluto turned retrograde today. At the very least, know if you will be in Pluto's path, and when.
1. Run your natal chart. Follow the guide HERE. . . .
April 14. On the day facilities in Damascus were bombed, the countries mentioned on the front page news—Syria, France, UK, US and Russia—had one thing in common. They all have natal Planets at 21°.
On that day, both Pluto and Jupiter Rx were at 21°, allowing the fateful events on that day to happen.
Today, news bureaus are quiet except for commentaries and speculations.
Beginning April 23. A week from now, Pluto, the Planet of immense power and transformation will join Jupiter and turn retrograde; still at 21°.
Pluto will back up and redo the events that took place in Damascus on April 14; this time, more intensely.
Beginning May 27. Five weeks later, Pluto will slide to 20° and drag other nations including Turkey, Iran and North Korea into the ring.
Pluto is larger than life, omnipotent and alchemical. When retrograde, Pluto is dead set on imparting three things:
1. The right use of power
2. How to transform lead to gold which always requires death—be it gross or subtle
3. Nothing ever dies; only its form changes
Is there a way to change the course of events? What will it take? Watch out for Part II.
Photograph by Victor Sukhorukov; published under a Creative Commons license.