The Big Brother Principle

Manila, April 29, 2019 - When Saturn is retrograde, make sure to FOLLOW RULES or you could get yourself into big trouble.  Do what is right.

Sometimes, what is right is not always apparent or clearly spelled out.  There are grey areas.  When in doubt, pretend to be an older brother or sister to others.

Within ancient Near East culture, the term "firstborn" anoints the eldest son with special privileges and responsibilities. He was second to his father and had authority over his younger siblings. He was entitled to a firstborn’s birthright—a double portion of the estate and eventual leadership of the family.

Along with his father's endearment and a double-inheritance come higher expectations and responsibilities.  When his father passes away, he becomes the new head and spiritual leader of the family. He cared for his mother until her death, and provided for his unmarried sisters until their marriage.

By pretending to be an older brother or sister, we are reminded to:

  • Set the moral standards for the family of nations we belong to
  • Treat our fellowmen and fellow nations as we would treat our brothers and sisters
  • Stay focused on peacemaking

Article lead photo by Kristin Ingalls

Want to know more about retrograde planets?


Think Like Karma

Think Like Karma

Saturn Forecast Thru 2023

Temple Rising & The Collapse of the Old



See ELECTING AUSPICIOUS DATES if you need to schedule an important event while a Planet is retrograde, such as:

  • Move Houses
  • Sign Contracts
  • Open a Business
  • Launch a Product or Service
  • File a Legal Case



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The foundational class is Practical Astrology Simplified which is a prerequisite to Life in Transit and other classes.

When is the best time to request a reading?

My clients typically request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRT


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