Pick-up Lines for Each Venus Sign

Aries: Is it hot in here or is it just you?

Taurus: I’m gonna spoil you really bad.

Gemini: We could talk non-stop for days.

Cancer: I can feel myself falling for you.

Leo: How about we play circus?  I’ll be the tamer.

Virgo: I added you to my to-do list.

Sandro Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus"

Libra: I love your shoes, your dress, your hair, your eyes…

Scorpio: Hi.

Sagittarius: Come with me to Paris.

Capricorn: I’m the CEO of a billion dollar enterprise.

Aquarius: You must be the reason for global warming.

Pisces: I can get lost in your eyes. 


1. Click here to generate a free birth chart.  Locate Venus.  Tip: Venus is never more than 45° from the Sun.  What is your Venus sign?

2.  Your pick-up line hints on what you love about yourself.

3. Go to a bar and practice your pick-up line.

4. How people react to your pick-up line could tell you how worthy you think you are.  Venus will keep on setting up circumstances to show only you can determine your worth.

Try this  pick-up line:


I am not what you think I am.
I am what you think you are.


5. If you find it difficult to pick-up someone at a bar or attract the things you want in life,  the work you need to do is to love and appreciate yourself.

Want to know more about loving yourself?

Check out Enlightenment: The One Thing I Wish I Was Told

Note: Having self-esteem means “feeling good about ourselves." Self-worth is recognizing how worthy we already are.


Next: How Will I Meet “The One”

How Will I Meet “The One”


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The foundational class is Practical Astrology Simplifiedwhich is a prerequisite to Life in Transit and other classes.







When is the best time to request a reading?

Most of my clients request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRTHDAY