Do Planets have power over me? Do Planets determine the course of my life and my experiences?
In Astrology, there are three planes of existence represented by the four elements—air, fire, water and earth.
1ST PLANE: AIR . . .
#1 - We are One
We play different roles across lifetimes. At one point in time, I was you, and you were me
#2 - Forgiveness
A year ago, a marble-sized cyst grew in my groin area. I went to see a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics. On the third day of drinking antibiotics I got worried because the cyst was not responding. I gave myself one week to heal myself; otherwise; I would have to see a specialist. In the meantime, I would touch it, feel it and wonder. What was I to do?
The body is the physical temple of the subconscious mind where memories are stored. . . .
This article is dedicated to those who have, at least once in their life, been judged wrongly or not.
It is about what happens after judgement has been passed. I hope it will inspire you to look beyond the judgement, and to uncover ways to be happy and whole again.
I asked, "How must I come from the Heart?" The group suggested I open up my Heart, and use less of my Mind. . . .