MANILA, April 7, 2019 - Older generations are bothered by the young being stuck online, preferring virtual rather than in-person connections.
The simple truth is, the younger generations have an important job. Their job is to open the fifth and sixth dimensions.
Many, many years ago, humans were aware of only three dimensions of space—length, height and depth. There was no concept of time. By observing heavenly bodies, humans began to understand the concept of time, and a fourth dimension opened up.
3 dimensions of space + 1 dimension of time = 4 Dimensions
For better and for worse, humans have perceived 4D reality as fixed, dense, and limited, rather than free and unbounded. Science was built on the maxim “no two objects can occupy the same place and time.” And then came the expression, “I have no time.” With perceived limitations came the opportunity to control things, beginning with real estate. How much are you paying to "own" a piece of this world?

Speakers elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate originally used for shipping soap to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject
This is all changing very fast. The advent of the internet ushered a fifth and sixth dimension—virtual time and virtual space—weaved in between the first four dimensions.
The internet is now a virtual tierra complete with super highways waiting to be colonized. It has become the new platform for many things. Virtual companies, the ".coms," sprouted. You still can’t own a piece of this new tierra, but you can move in for less than $25 a year. And then came social media, the virtual town halls where anyone can stand on a soap box. There are virtual classes offered by virtual schools. For more private conversations, there are virtual salons, which we know as "chat rooms."
Whoever is still harping “we are moving to the fifth dimension” is looking elsewhere for a train that already arrived.
The Millennials have already left the limiting four dimensions controlled by a few. They are always online because it is their job to open the 5/6 Dimensions of this new Earth. The youngest generation, those being born right this very moment in the 5/6 Dimension, will be the builders of New Earth.
Not too long ago, aging parents with heavy hearts watched their children and grandchildren board ships headed for the New World. They gave everything they had to their children, they blessed them, and they prayed, “God, may our children have new life.” It's time we wish the same for our children and their children.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the main sponsors of this transition to a New Earth. Know the secrets they hold and what you can pass on to your children.
The Three Secrets
How to Define a Generation
How to Define a Generation
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Worldwide Purging & Accountability
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Revelation 21: The Coming of New Heaven, New Earth
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When is the best time to request a reading?
My clients typically request a Full Chart Reading for the Year Ahead 3-4 months before their birthdays each year. Check out this article: WHY I FLEW TO TOKYO ON MY BIRTHDAY