Aries: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Taurus: I’m gonna spoil you really bad.
Gemini: We could talk non-stop for days. . . .
The natural body chemical that gives absolute pleasure is called “anandamide,” a cannabinoid that stimulates the nervous system much like smoking marijuana does. Its name comes from ananda, the Sanskrit word for bliss.
Heard of runner's high? Some known ways to trigger anandamide production include running, yoga, being “in the zone” , and Oneness Restoration.
Anandamide makes one forget pain, and likely more forgiving. Anandamide is found in chocolates, fish rich in Omega 3, and hemp oil. A yogi tea concoction introduced by Yogi Bhajan contains water, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper and clove . . .
Jupiter, the Greater Benefic that bestows good things, will enter and remain in Scorpio on October 10, 2017 thru November 8, 2018.
Jupiter spends about a year in each Zodiac sign before moving on to the next to deliver a new set of opportunities and pleasant surprises for everyone; and since there are 12 signs, you can walk down memory lane to review what happened the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio 12 years ago to forecast what's in store for you.
What good happened in Oct 2005 thru Nov 2006 and in which area of your life? . . .
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Part I: Meet the Four Characters of Oneness Restoration
Part III: Jumpstarting Oneness Restoration
Part IV: Your Own Version of Oneness Restoration
Part V: Yin-Yang: A Life of Misery or Perfection
Oneness Restoration main page
The two go hand-in-hand like burger and fries.
In between lives, we decide what we want to experience, learn, and balance from previous lives.
Planets conspire to carry out WHAT you decided you wanted to experience in this lifetime. Your level of consciousness determines HOW you will experience life.
A consciousness of Love will bring about benign or good experiences. A consciousness of Shame will bring about a miserable life experience. . . .
It's easy to tell if you are familiar with your birth chart.
1. IDENTIFY THE RULER of the 7th House. Look at the Zodiac sign on the cusp of the 7th House to identify the ruler.
2. LOCATE THE RULER of the 7th House in your chart. The House where the Ruler rests will tell you how or where you will meet "The One." . . .