Be Your Own Witness

When someone does something to hurt you or a situation is tearing you apart, the first thing you do is write down your accusations, look in the mirror, and be your own witness.

Get a piece of paper and write down all your accusations.

He is ____________.
She is ___________.
This situation is ________. . . .  Read more

Posted by Earther in Infinite Prosperity, Love-Bliss, Return to Eden, The Inner Child, Under the Sun

The Seven-Year Financial Revolution

When Uranus entered Taurus in 2018, it opened a window of opportunity to change the global economic system, and that window will stay open thru 2025.

We didn’t know how Uranus in Taurus will play out, because with Uranus, you’ll never know what to expect. Uranus is sudden, twisted, unexpected, and out of the ordinary.

The previous Uranus in Taurus cycle coincided with the Great Depression and the beginning of World War II. This time, we are faced with something similar, but twisted: a different kind of malaise and a different kind of war. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Forecasts, Practical Astrology, Return to Eden

When Will COVID End

Published: MANILA, March 15, 2020

A Saturn-Neptune alignment marks the beginning of pandemics; a Neptune-White Moon alignment tapers it.

Neptune is associated with viruses including computer bugs.  Saturn is the restrictor and Grim Reaper of the Zodiac.  The White Moon is a blessing in the midst of hardship or a “blessing in disguise.” . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Forecasts

Tell Me Where It Hurts, Baby


Manila, June 4, 2019 - If any part on the left side of your body hurts, it is your Inner Child’s way of telling you, your Boundaries need some adjustment.  If the right side hurts, you need to do better in regulating your Flow.

Flow is associated with Mercy, The Masculine, and Giving.  Boundaries are associated with Severity, The Feminine, and Receiving.  Mercy is how you give.  Severity is how you receive. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Infinite Prosperity, The Inner Child, Under the Sun

The Great American Eclipse

A total Solar Eclipse occurred on August 21, 2017, and the Moon’s shadow swept across the United States, from west to east, beginning in Oregon and ending in South Carolina.  In less than a month, the eclipse ushered hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, three of the costliest hurricanes in U.S. history.  


Eclipses are quite common.  We usually have two sets of eclipses each year. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Forecasts

When Karma Shows Up

Manila, May 30, 2019 - The Moon, your Inner Child, is a safety deposit box where your memories are stored since the beginning of time.

The Lunar Nodes are THE ARMS of your Inner Child reaching back in time (South Node) and pointing ahead (North Node). When the Lunar Nodes receive hard aspects from transiting Planets, they gather and feed the information to the Moon, and the person feels emotional. The emotional tug in the heart area simply means, check on your Inner Child if you haven’t been doing so.

The line connecting the North and South Nodes is a KARMIC HIGHWAY for Karma’s use. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Forecasts, Practical Astrology, The Inner Child

Be The Third Way

Manila - May 6 was a very Precarious Monday.  When the day ended in the Philippines, 44 vehicular mishaps had happened along Manila’s main thoroughfares.

What caused this?  Are we under the mercy of planetary alignments?  Will thinking positive thoughts keep me safe?  

It is not enough that we "think positive" and try to attract good for ourselves.  There is a world around us. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Love-Bliss, Retrogrades, Under the Sun

Peter Prosperity Practice

Manila, April 30, 2019 - Peter is a prosperous fellow. Grace flows wherever he goes.

You see, Peter is the engineer of a scenic village with four homes. His job is to regulate the flow of water.  When tourists come to visit in spring, Peter turns the valve to the left. When they leave, he turns the valve to right, making sure the flow is just right.

In the summertime, before the reservoir's water level drops, Peter changes the pipe to a smaller one to maintain the right pressure. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Infinite Prosperity, Under the Sun

The Big Brother Principle

Manila, April 29, 2019 - When Saturn is retrograde, make sure to FOLLOW RULES or you could get yourself into big trouble.  Do what is right.

Sometimes, what is right is not always apparent or clearly spelled out.  There are grey areas.  When in doubt, pretend to be an older brother or sister to others.

Within ancient Near East culture, the term "firstborn" anoints the eldest son with special privileges and responsibilities. He was second to his father and had authority over his younger siblings. He was entitled to a firstborn’s birthright—a double portion of the estate and eventual leadership of the family. . . .  Read more

Posted by Rami

Pocket Guide to 2019 Pluto Rx

Manila, April 25, 2019 - Pluto turned retrograde today.  At the very least, know if you will be in Pluto's path, and when.


1. Run your natal chart.  Follow the guide HERE. . .  Read more

Posted by Rami in Retrogrades